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Top level | res incorporea Short Extended |
Level 2 | linea anatomica Short Extended |
Current level | linea anatomica bona fide Short |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67112 | |
FMA:50705 | |
FMA:9657 | |
FMA:242999 |
linea anatomica bona fide
Taxonomic list |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
242999 | 10598 |
linea anatomica bona fide
bona fide anatomical line
256350 | 10914 |
linea anatomica neuraxis T4 7 children
anatomical line of neuraxis
22810 |
linea anatomica pachymeningis
anatomical line of pachymeninx
7808 | part |
plica petroclinoidea anterior
anterior petroclinoid fold
7809 | part |
plica petroclinoidea posterior
posterior petroclinoid fold
53131 | 10915 |
linea anatomica cranii T4 147 children
anatomical line of cranium
53092 | 10916 |
margo anatomicus ossis cranii
anatomical border of bone of cranium
53097 | 429 | part |
margo supraorbitalis ossis frontalis
supraorbital margin of frontal bone
53097 | 375 | part |
margo superior orbitae
superior margin of orbit
75757 | 493 | part |
limbus sphenoidalis
sphenoidal limbus
53093 | 413 | part |
margo occipitalis ossis parietalis
occipital border of parietal bone
53094 | 414 | part |
margo squamosus ossis parietalis
squamous border of parietal bone
53095 | 415 | part |
margo sagittalis ossis parietalis
sagittal border of parietal bone
53096 | 416 | part |
margo frontalis ossis parietalis
frontal border of parietal bone
55490 | 546 | part |
margo occipitalis ossis temporalis
occipital margin of temporal bone
55484 | 605 | part |
margo parietalis ossis temporalis
parietal border of temporal bone
55487 | 607 | part |
margo sphenoidalis ossis temporalis
sphenoidal border of temporal bone
57721 | 665 | part |
incisura nasalis
nasal notch
57734 | 675 | part |
margo lacrimalis maxillae
lacrimal border of maxilla
284981 | 17034 |
margo anatomicus mandibulae
anatomical border of mandible
59459 | 750 | part |
angulus mandibulae
angle of mandible
59481 | 759 | part |
incisura mandibulae
mandibular notch
53098 | 433 | part |
margo parietalis ossis frontalis
parietal border of frontal bone
53099 | 448 | part |
margo sphenoidalis ossis frontalis
sphenoidal border of frontal bone
53175 | 10917 |
margo anatomicus divisionum systematis skeletalis capitis
anatomical border of subdivisions of skeletal system of head
53176 | 374 | part |
margo orbitalis
orbital margin
53177 | 376 | part |
margo inferior orbitae
inferior margin of orbit
53178 | 377 | part |
margo lateralis orbitae
lateral margin of orbit
53179 | 378 | part |
margo medialis orbitae
medial margin of orbit
54808 | 13551 |
margo alae majoris
border of greater wing
53510 | 521 | part |
margo frontalis alae majoris
frontal margin of greater wing
53511 | 522 | part |
margo parietalis alae majoris
parietal margin of greater wing
53513 | 523 | part |
margo squamosus alae majoris
squamosal margin of greater wing
53512 | 520 | part |
margo zygomaticus alae majoris
zygomatic margin of greater wing
53177 | 661 | part |
margo infraorbitalis maxillae
infraorbital margin of maxilla
57422 | 442 | part |
margo nasalis ossis frontalis
nasal border of frontal bone
57424 | 410 | part |
linea temporalis superior ossis parietalis
superior temporal line of parietal bone
57427 | 411 | part |
linea temporalis inferior ossis parietalis
inferior temporal line of parietal bone
327537 | 16881 |
angulus ossis parietalis
angle of parietal bone
57430 | 417 | part |
angulus frontalis ossis parietalis
frontal angle of parietal bone
57433 | 418 | part |
angulus occipitalis ossis parietalis
occipital angle of parietal bone
57436 | 419 | part |
angulus sphenoidalis ossis parietalis
sphenoidal angle of parietal bone
57439 | 420 | part |
angulus mastoideus ossis parietalis
mastoid angle of parietal bone
75041 | 463 | part |
margo mastoideus
mastoid border
75042 | 464 | part |
margo lambdoideus
lambdoid border
53106 | 476 | part |
linea nuchalis suprema
supreme nuchal line ; highest nuchal line
53108 | 477 | part |
linea nuchalis superior
superior nuchal line
53111 | 478 | part |
linea nuchalis inferior
inferior nuchal line
75043 | 482 | part |
(crista occipitalis interna )
(internal occipital crest )
59229 | 700 | part |
incisura sphenopalatina
sphenopalatine notch
55502 | 572 | part |
margo superior partis petrosae ; crista petrosa
superior border of petrous part ; petrous ridge
55505 | 580 | part |
margo posterior partis petrosae
posterior border of petrous part
54953 | 609 | part |
sulcus arteriae temporalis mediae ossis temporalis
sulcus of middle temporal artery of temporal bone
55463 | 617 | part |
fissura petrotympanica
petrotympanic fissure
55466 | 618 | part |
fissura petrosquamosa
petrosquamous fissure
55460 | 619 | part |
fissura tympanosquamosa
tympanosquamous fissure
55469 | 620 | part |
fissura tympanomastoidea
tympanomastoid fissure
53119 | 737 | part |
linea mylohyoidea mandibulae
mylohyoid line of mandible
57390 | 430 | part |
incisura supraorbitalis
supraorbital notch
431 | part |
incisura frontalis
frontal notch
75040 | 434 | part |
linea temporalis ossis frontalis
temporal line of frontal bone
58141 | 9872 |
linea anatomica globi oculi T4 44 children
anatomical line of eyeball
327513 | 9887 |
axis globi oculi
axis of eyeball
58292 | 6886 | part |
axis bulbi externus
external axis of eyeball
58293 | 6887 | part |
axis bulbi internus
internal axis of eyeball
327510 | 11860 |
margo iridis
border of iris
58507 | 6933 | part |
margo pupillaris iridis
pupillary border of iris
58508 | 6934 | part |
margo ciliaris iridis
ciliary border of iris
58513 | 6939 | part |
plica iridis
fold of iris
7491 | part |
plica circularis iridis
circular fold of iris
7492 | part |
plica radialis iridis
radial fold of iris
58113 | 6937 | part |
anulus iridis major
greater ring of iris ; outer border of iris
58328 | 6938 | part |
anulus iridis minor
lesser ring of iris ; inner border of iris
324033 | 7488 | part |
catella iridis
collarette of iris
76439 | 6924 | part |
plica ciliaris
ciliary plicae
58142 | 6884 | part |
equator globi oculi
equator of eyeball
58141 | 6885 | part |
58600 | 6954 | part |
ora serrata retinae
ora serrata of retina
58163 | 6888 | part |
axis opticus globi oculi
optic axis of eyeball
58907 | 7010 | part |
axis lentis
axis of lens
58910 | 7011 | part |
equator lentis
equator of lens
7012 | part |
radius lentis
radius of lens
58770 | 2158 | part |
margo falciformis ; margo arcuatus
falciform border
65137 | 12778 |
linea anatomica hepatis T4 5 children
anatomical line of liver
75117 | 2691 | part |
fissura umbilicalis
umbilical fissure
75118 | 2692 | part |
fissura portalis principalis
main portal fissure
75119 | 2693 | part |
fissura portalis dextra
right portal fissure
14482 | 2681 | part |
margo inferior hepatis
inferior border of liver
14493 | 2682 | part |
incisura ligamenti teretis hepatis
notch of round ligament of liver
19929 | 1898 | part |
linea semilunaris
semilunar line
66291 | 16033 |
linea anatomica gastris T4 4 children
anatomical line of stomach
19963 | 16034 |
divisio curvaturae minoris gastris
subdivision of lesser curvature of stomach
14573 | 2531 | part |
incisura angularis
angular notch
19965 | 16051 |
divisio curvaturae majoris gastris
subdivision of greater curvature of stomach
14576 | 2536 | part |
incisura cardiaca
cardiac notch ; cardial notch
66260 | 16182 |
linea anatomica pulmonis T4 2 children
anatomical line of lung
7328 | 2974 | part |
margo anterior pulmonis
anterior border of lung
7329 | 2976 | part |
margo inferior pulmonis
inferior border of lung
16944 | 1033 | part |
incisura acetabuli
acetabular notch
65160 | 13550 |
linea anatomica ossis
anatomical line of bone
66135 | 13734 |
linea anatomica ossis longi
anatomical line of long bone
66069 | 13735 |
linea anatomica humeri T4 18 children
anatomical line of humerus
75075 | 945 | part |
margo medialis corporis humeri
medial border of shaft of humerus
75077 | 948 | part |
margo lateralis corporis humeri
lateral border of shaft of humerus
74573 | 937 | part |
sulcus intertubercularis humeri
intertubercular sulcus of humerus ; bicipital groove of humerus
75076 | 946 | part |
crista supraepicondylaris medialis corporis humeri ; crista supracondylaris medialis corporis humeri
medial supraepicondylar crest of shaft of humerus ; medial supracondylar ridge of shaft of humerus
75078 | 949 | part |
crista supraepicondylaris lateralis corporis humeri ; crista supracondylaris lateralis corporis humeri
lateral supraepicondylar crest of shaft of humerus ; lateral supracondylar ridge of shaft of humerus
75815 | 947 | part |
(processus supracondylaris corporis humeri )
(supracondylar process of shaft of humerus )
66188 | 20907 |
linea anatomica femoris T4 16 children
anatomical line of femur
43712 | 1110 | part |
linea intertrochanterica femoris
intertrochanteric line of femur
20909 |
linea supracondylaris corporis femoris
supracondylar line of body of femur
43736 | 1120 | part |
linea supracondylaris medialis
medial supracondylar line
43737 | 1121 | part |
linea supracondylaris lateralis
lateral supracondylar line
43724 | 1117 | part |
linea pectinea corporis femoris
pectineal line of body of femur ; spiral line of body of femur
75100 | 1111 | part |
crista intertrochanterica femoris
intertrochanteric crest of femur
66159 | 17668 |
linea anatomica ulnae T4 15 children
anatomical line of ulna
39685 | 990 | part |
margo interosseus corporis ulnae
interosseous border of shaft of ulna
75084 | 991 | part |
margo anterior corporis ulnae
anterior border of shaft of ulna
75085 | 992 | part |
margo posterior corporis ulnae
posterior border of shaft of ulna
75086 | 993 | part |
crista musculi supinatoris
supinator crest
75087 | 995 | part |
circumferentia articularis capitis ulnae
articular circumference of head of ulna
66141 | 17919 |
linea anatomica radii T4 15 children
anatomical line of radius
39682 | 971 | part |
margo interosseus radii
interosseous border of radius
75084 | 972 | part |
margo anterior radii
anterior border of radius
75085 | 973 | part |
margo posterior radii
posterior border of radius
75081 | 975 | part |
crista suprastyloidea radii
suprastyloid crest of radius
75082 | 978 | part |
incisura ulnaris radii
ulnar notch of radius
66199 | 17943 |
linea anatomica tibiae T4 12 children
anatomical line of tibia
43773 | 1150 | part |
linea musculi solei
soleal line
75102 | 1152 | part |
margo anterior tibiae
anterior border of tibia
75103 | 1153 | part |
margo medialis tibiae
medial border of tibia
75104 | 1154 | part |
margo interosseus tibiae
interosseous border of tibia
66205 | 17950 |
linea anatomica fibulae T4 6 children
anatomical line of fibula
43873 | 1169 | part |
crista medialis fibulae
medial crest of fibula
75106 | 1170 | part |
margo anterior fibulae
anterior border of fibula
75107 | 1171 | part |
margo interosseus fibulae
interosseous border of fibula
75108 | 1172 | part |
margo posterior fibulae
posterior border of fibula
66136 | 17148 |
linea anatomica ossis plani
anatomical line of flat bone
66060 | 17149 |
linea anatomica scapulae T4 15 children
anatomical line of scapula
63549 | 907 | part |
margo medialis scapulae
medial border of scapula
63548 | 908 | part |
margo lateralis scapulae
lateral border of scapula
63553 | 909 | part |
margo superior scapulae
superior border of scapula
17368 | part |
incisura superior scapulae
superior scapular notch
17369 | part |
incisura inferior scapulae
inferior scapular notch
66125 | 17895 |
linea anatomica sterni T4 2 children
anatomical line of sternum
7547 | 881 | part |
angulus sterni
sternal angle
7573 | 893 | part |
angulus infrasternalis caveae thoracicae
infrasternal angle of thoracic cage ; subcostal angle of thoracic cage
66076 | 17114 |
linea anatomica costae T4 75 children
anatomical line of rib
7589 | 866 | part |
angulus costae
angle of rib
7608 | 13103 | part |
angulus costae primae
angle of first rib
7630 | 13161 | part |
angulus costae secundae
angle of second rib
7711 | 22452 | part |
angulus costae tertiae
angle of third rib
7761 | 11432 | part |
angulus costae quartae
angle of fourth rib
7788 | 11461 | part |
angulus costae quintae
angle of fifth rib
7815 | 17115 | part |
angulus costae sextae
angle of sixth rib
7842 | 17116 | part |
angulus costae septimae
angle of seventh rib
8132 | 17117 | part |
angulus costae octavae
angle of eighth rib
8349 | 17118 | part |
angulus costae nonae
angle of ninth rib
8430 | 17119 | part |
angulus costae decimae
angle of tenth rib
8520 | 17120 | part |
angulus costae undecimae
angle of eleventh rib
75072 | 868 | part |
crista corporis costae
crest of body of rib
13110 | part |
crista corporis costae primae
crest of body of first rib
13169 | part |
crista corporis costae secundae
crest of body of second rib
11437 | part |
crista corporis costae quartae
crest of body of fourth rib
22460 | part |
crista corporis costae tertiae
crest of body of third rib
11488 | part |
crista corporis costae quintae
crest of body of fifth rib
17127 | part |
crista corporis costae sextae
crest of body of sixth rib
17128 | part |
crista corporis costae septimae
crest of body of seventh rib
17129 | part |
crista corporis costae octavae
crest of body of eighth rib
17130 | part |
crista corporis costae nonae
crest of body of ninth rib
17131 | part |
crista corporis costae decimae
crest of body of tenth rib
17132 | part |
crista corporis costae undecimae
crest of body of eleventh rib
17133 | part |
crista corporis costae duodecimae
crest of body of twelfth rib
75050 | 534 | part |
incisura pterygoidea
pterygoid notch
75088 | 1042 | part |
linea arcuata ossis ilii
arcuate line of ilium
57683 | 653 | part |
sulcus vomeris
vomerine sulcus
57650 | 649 | part |
sulcus ethmoidalis ossis nasalis
ethmoidal sulcus of nasal bone
75057 | 639 | part |
hiatus semilunaris
semilunar hiatus
75053 | 596 | part |
anulus tympanicus
tympanic ring
75044 | 606 | part |
incisura parietalis
parietal notch
75060 | 681 | part |
incisura lacrimalis
lacrimal notch
17988 |
curvatura columnae vertebralis T4 6 children
curvature of vertebral column
75067 | 770 | part |
curvatura primaria columnae vertebralis
primary curvature of vertebral column
75787 | 771 | part |
kyphosis thoracica columnae vertebralis
thoracic kyphosis of vertebral column
75788 | 772 | part |
kyphosis sacralis columnae vertebralis
sacral kyphosis of vertebral column
75789 | 773 | part |
curvatura secundaria columnae vertebralis
secondary curvature of vertebral column
75790 | 774 | part |
lordosis cervicalis columnae vertebralis ; lordosis colli
cervical lordosis of vertebral column
75791 | 775 | part |
lordosis lumbalis columnae vertebralis
lumbar lordosis of vertebral column
31810 | 837 | part |
linea transversa ossis sacri
transverse line of sacrum
75089 | 17193 |
linea anatomica pelvis T4 2 children
anatomical line of pelvis
75091 | 1085 | part |
linea terminalis pelvis
linea terminalis of pelvis; terminal line of pelvis
75090 | 1082 | part |
angulus subpubicus
subpubic angle
75054 | 7148 | part |
incisura tympanica
tympanic notch
13448 |
linea anatomica vertebrae T4 179 children
anatomical line of vertebra
75068 | 796 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae cervicalis ; uncus corporis vertebrae cervicalis
uncinate process of cervical vertebra ; uncus of body of cervical vertebra
10686 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
uncinate process of third cervical vertebra
10692 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae cervicalis quartae
uncinate process of fourth cervical vertebra
10698 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae cervicalis quintae
uncinate process of fifth cervical vertebra
10703 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae cervicalis sextae
uncinate process of sixth cervical vertebra
10706 | part |
processus uncinatus vertebrae prominentis
uncinate process of vertebra prominens
10690 | part |
sulcus nervi cervicalis tertii
sulcus of third cervical nerve
75069 | 801 | part |
sulcus vertebrae cervicalis
sulcus of cervical vertebra
10702 | part |
sulcus nervi cervicalis quinti
sulcus of fifth cervical nerve
10705 | part |
sulcus nervi cervicalis sexti
sulcus of sixth cervical nerve
10710 | part |
sulcus nervi cervicalis septimi
sulcus of seventh cervical nerve
75070 | 810 | part |
sulcus arteriae vertebralis atlantis
groove of vertebral artery of atlas
13613 | 21050 |
incisura vertebralis
vertebral notch
13614 | 786 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior
superior vertebral notch
24704 | 21054 |
incisura superior vertebrae cervicalis
superior notch of cervical vertebra
24766 | 10677 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
superior vertebral notch of third cervical vertebra
26515 | 13290 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae cervicalis quartae
superior vertebral notch of fourth cervical vertebra
26518 | 13306 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae cervicalis quintae
superior vertebral notch of fifth cervical vertebra
26519 | 13327 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae cervicalis sextae
superior vertebral notch of sixth cervical vertebra
25520 | 15015 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae prominentis
superior vertebral notch of vertebra prominens
21258 |
incisura superior vertebrae thoracicae
superior notch of thoracic vertebra
14996 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae primae
superior vertebral notch of first thoracic vertebra
21466 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
superior vertebral notch of second thoracic vertebra
21522 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
superior vertebral notch of third thoracic vertebra
21802 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
superior vertebral notch of fourth thoracic vertebra
21578 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
superior vertebral notch of fifth thoracic vertebra
21858 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
superior vertebral notch of sixth thoracic vertebra
21634 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
superior vertebral notch of seventh thoracic vertebra
21914 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
superior vertebral notch of eighth thoracic vertebra
21690 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
superior vertebral notch of ninth thoracic vertebra
21970 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
superior vertebral notch of tenth thoracic vertebra
21746 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
superior vertebral notch of eleventh thoracic vertebra
22026 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
superior vertebral notch of twelfth thoracic vertebra
21259 |
incisura superior vertebrae lumbalis
superior notch of lumbar vertebra
22082 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae lumbalis primae
superior vertebral notch of first lumbar vertebra
22142 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae lumbalis secundae
superior vertebral notch of second lumbar vertebra
22202 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
superior vertebral notch of third lumbar vertebra
22262 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae lumbalis quartae
superior vertebral notch of fourth lumbar vertebra
22322 | part |
incisura vertebralis superior vertebrae lumbalis quintae
superior vertebral notch of fifth lumbar vertebra
65547 | 787 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior
inferior vertebral notch
26527 | 15024 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior axis
inferior vertebral notch of axis
24705 | 21055 |
incisura inferior vertebrae cervicalis
inferior notch of cervical vertebra
24768 | 10678 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
inferior vertebral notch of third cervical vertebra
26528 | 13291 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quartae
inferior vertebral notch of fourth cervical vertebra
26529 | 13307 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quintae
inferior vertebral notch of fifth cervical vertebra
26530 | 13328 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae cervicalis sextae
inferior vertebral notch of sixth cervical vertebra
26531 | 15016 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae prominentis
inferior vertebral notch of vertebra prominens
21260 |
incisura inferior vertebrae thoracicae
inferior notch of thoracic vertebra
14997 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae primae
inferior vertebral notch of first thoracic vertebra
21470 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
inferior vertebral notch of second thoracic vertebra
21526 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
inferior vertebral notch of third thoracic vertebra
21806 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
inferior vertebral notch of fourth thoracic vertebra
21582 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
inferior vertebral notch of fifth thoracic vertebra
21862 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
inferior vertebral notch of sixth thoracic vertebra
21638 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
inferior vertebral notch of seventh thoracic vertebra
21918 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
inferior vertebral notch of eighth thoracic vertebra
21694 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
inferior vertebral notch of ninth thoracic vertebra
21974 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
inferior vertebral notch of tenth thoracic vertebra
21750 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
inferior vertebral notch of eleventh thoracic vertebra
22030 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
inferior vertebral notch of twelfth thoracic vertebra
21261 |
incisura inferior vertebrae lumbalis
inferior notch of lumbar vertebra
22086 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae lumbalis primae
inferior vertebral notch of first lumbar vertebra
22146 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
inferior vertebral notch of body of second lumbar vertebra
22206 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
inferior vertebral notch of third lumbar vertebra
22266 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae lumbalis quartae
inferior vertebral notch of fourth lumbar vertebra
22326 | part |
incisura vertebralis inferior vertebrae lumbalis quintae
inferior vertebral notch of fifth lumbar vertebra
75795 | 823 | part |
(processus uncinatus vertebrae thoracicae primae )
(uncinate process of first thoracic vertebra )
75109 | 1212 | part |
sulcus tendinis musculi fibularis longi; sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi
groove of tendon of fibularis longus muscle of calcaneus; groove of tendon of peroneus longus muscle of calcaneus
75110 | 1221 | part |
sulcus tendinis musculi fibularis longi; sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi
groove of tendon of fibularis longus muscle; groove of tendon of peroneus longus muscle
54650 | 2411 | part |
margo linguae
border of tongue
43525 | 1031 | part |
limbus acetabuli ; margo acetabuli
acetabular margin
16911 | 1065 | part |
incisura ischiadica minor
lesser sciatic notch
16902 | 1037 | part |
incisura ischiadica major
greater sciatic notch; greater isciatic notch
75112 | 2302 | part |
margo gingivalis
gingival border
15921 | 16271 |
linea anatomica renalis T4 6 children
renal anatomical line
15599 | 3042 | part |
margo lateralis renis
lateral border of kidney
15598 | 3043 | part |
margo medialis renis
medial border of kidney
66290 | 16333 |
linea anatomica ovarii ♀ T4 5 children
anatomical line of ovary ♀
75125 | 3149 | part |
margo liber ovarii ♀
free border of ovary ♀
75126 | 3150 | part |
margo mesovaricus ♀
mesovarian border ♀
15634 | 16615 |
linea anatomica glandulae suprarenalis T4 6 children
anatomical line of suprarenal gland
75131 | 3561 | part |
margo superior glandulae suprarenalis
superior border of suprarenal gland
75132 | 3562 | part |
margo medialis glandulae suprarenalis
medial border of suprarenal gland
65135 | 16628 |
margo anatomicus splenis T4 2 children
anatomical border of spleen
15836 | 4884 | part |
margo inferior splenis ; margo inferior lienalis
inferior border of spleen
15835 | 4885 | part |
margo superior splenis ; margo superior lienalis
superior border of spleen
57926 | 16846 |
linea anatomica dentis T4 8 children
anatomical line of tooth
16708 | part |
crista coronae dentis
crest of crown of tooth
56658 | 2338 | part |
crista transversalis
transverse crest ; transverse ridge
56659 | 2339 | part |
crista triangularis
triangular crest
56660 | 2340 | part |
crista obliqua
oblique crest
56758 | 2369 | part |
crista marginalis
marginal crest
57045 | 2370 | part |
margo incisalis
incisive border
62173 | 17366 |
linea anatomica cutis T4 3 children
anatomical line of skin
72014 | 7384 | part |
sulcus cutis
skin sulcus
71952 | 7389 | part |
linea distractionis
tension line; cleavage line
67819 | 7393 | part |
papilla dermidis
papilla of dermis
60700 | 11170 |
margo unguis T4 7 children
border of nail
60701 | 7418 | part |
margo occultus unguis
hidden border of nail
60702 | 7419 | part |
margo lateralis unguis
lateral border of nail
60703 | 7420 | part |
margo liber unguis
free border of nail
59116 | 17869 |
linea anatomica palpebrae T4 24 children
anatomical line of eyelid
59356 | 17870 |
margo palpebralis
palpebral border
59340 | 7064 |
anterior palpebral margin
59357 | 8416 | part |
limbus anterior palpebrae superioris
superior anterior palpebral margin
59358 | 7613 | part |
limbus anterior palpebrae inferioris
inferior anterior palpebral margin
59341 | 7065 |
posterior palpebral margin
59342 | 7592 | part |
limbus posterior palpebrae superioris
superior posterior palpebral margin
59344 | 7614 | part |
limbus posterior palpebrae inferioris
inferior posterior palpebral margin
59370 | 7057 | part |
rima palpebronasalis
palpebronasal fold; medial canthic fold
59321 | 7062 | part |
angulus lateralis oculi
lateral angle of eye ; lateral canthus of eye
59322 | 7063 | part |
angulus medialis oculi
medial angle of eye ; medial canthus of eye
61171 | 17884 |
linea anatomica auriculae T4 9 children
anatomical line of auricle
61181 | 7126 | part |
incisura terminalis auriculae
terminal notch of auricle
61172 | 7119 | part |
incisura anterior
anterior notch
61175 | 7120 | part |
incisura intertragica
intertragicus notch
7569 | 891 | part |
arcus costalis
costal arch ; costal margin
55289 | 2832 | part |
linea obliqua cartilaginis thyroideae
oblique line of thyroid cartilage
49461 | 2652 | part |
linea anocutanea
anocutaneous line
65136 | 18149 |
linea anatomica pancreatis T4 4 children
anatomical line of pancreas
75120 | 2749 | part |
incisura pancreatis
pancreatic notch
14530 | 2755 | part |
margo superior pancreatis
superior border of pancreas
14531 | 2756 | part |
margo anterior pancreatis
anterior border of pancreas
14532 | 2757 | part |
margo inferior pancreatis
inferior border of pancreas
318 items
739 entities
Scientific notes |
Signature |
Type of list | T3F |
List Unit Identifier | 10598 |
Sublist 1 | 9872 linea anatomica globi oculi 44/21 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 10914 linea anatomica neuraxis 7/4 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 10915 linea anatomica cranii 147/56 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 11170 margo unguis 7/4 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 5 | 12778 linea anatomica hepatis 5/6 on 8.1.2025 |
Sublist 6 | 13448 linea anatomica vertebrae 179/68 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 7 | 13735 linea anatomica humeri 18/7 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 8 | 16033 linea anatomica gastris 4/5 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 9 | 16182 linea anatomica pulmonis 2/3 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 10 | 16271 linea anatomica renalis 6/3 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 11 | 16333 linea anatomica ovarii 5/3 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 12 | 16615 linea anatomica glandulae suprarenalis 6/3 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 13 | 16628 margo anatomicus splenis 2/3 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 14 | 16846 linea anatomica dentis 8/7 on 8.1.2025 |
Sublist 15 | 17114 linea anatomica costae 75/26 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 16 | 17149 linea anatomica scapulae 15/6 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 17 | 17193 linea anatomica pelvis 2/3 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 18 | 17366 linea anatomica cutis 3/4 on 8.1.2025 |
Sublist 19 | 17668 linea anatomica ulnae 15/6 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 20 | 17869 linea anatomica palpebrae 24/11 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 21 | 17884 linea anatomica auriculae 9/4 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 22 | 17895 linea anatomica sterni 2/3 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 23 | 17919 linea anatomica radii 15/6 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 24 | 17943 linea anatomica tibiae 12/5 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 25 | 17950 linea anatomica fibulae 6/5 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 26 | 17988 curvatura columnae vertebralis 6/7 on 15.10.2024 |
Sublist 27 | 18149 linea anatomica pancreatis 4/5 on 8.1.2025 |
Sublist 28 | 20907 linea anatomica femoris 16/7 on 15.10.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 644 subunits 291 |
Proper children | 94 |
Number of children | 738 (validated) |
Proper units | 27 |
Number of units | 318 (validated) |
Signature | 7615 (validated since 8.1.2025) |
Date: 08.01.2025 |